Archivo de la categoría: Mundo binario

Hardware, software y otras cuestiones técnicas

Adiós a Skype & Whatsapp: hola Viber

Since lethal Microsoft purchased and took over Skype, the product started declining. That’s an undeniable fact. I still remember the Skype malfunctions and constant freezes with a shiver, right after being bought by Gates Allmighty and for a period of … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en Consumo, Mundo binario | Deja un comentario

How to login as root in Xfce

. Log in as root in the Xfce environment is disabled by default. When I tried to google how to change this behaviour, I got lots of results, but useless, because though dozens of people had posted that same question … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en Mundo binario | Deja un comentario